Success Stories

An Insurance and Banking Software Solutions Company with 150+ employees spread across three Countries.

The Client is an Organization that had grown to a certain size but seemed to face an obvious problem with regards to Performance. On further analysis by our team, it was identified that the issue lay in 3 primary areas:

  1. Define
  2. Measure
  3. Drive Performance

Hence, a decision was made that there was a need for a complete upheaval of their Performance Measurement System.

Solution Phase (Input)

The issues identified with the current PMS were the following:

The plan was then defined as shown in the table below with an approximate timeline of 4 months:


The output from this very intense and significant Change Management process was as follows:

  • Percentage of participation in the PMS program jumped significantly.
  • The Company had been able to identify their top, core and struggling performers from both a Functional Standpoint and Leadership stand-point objectively. More importantly, they had a basic guideline on how to manage Individuals basis of their final score.
  • Information/ Feedback gathered from this process was used diligently for Key Succession Planning, Cross-Pollination of Talent, and Career Development Programs.